Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Nature Thank You - DIC128

Hello all!!  This week the UDI inspiration piece is 3 very yummy looking cocktails.  Each in their own fabulous color.

I mainly went with the colors from the piece to build my card, but still not quite sure how the cocktails translate to birds!!!  Anyway, I love how this came out and I just love this new set coming out in the Occasions mini, January 4th!!!

While the overall look of the card is clean, it not necessarily simple!!!  I combined alot of techniques on this card, once again!

The first is using the dry embossed method with the new Framed Tulips embossing folder and Perfect Polka Dots folder.  However, the fun part is that I double embossed them!  To do this you run your secondary folder through first and then place your card stock into your primary folder and run it through the Big Shot again.  You will still notice the secondary embossing, but just not as pronounced.

The second technique I did was Out-of-the Box.  This is a fun and fairly easy technique to do.  The tough part is making sure you don't cut into your image when trying to trim part of the card stock away.  To do this you stamp your image onto the card stock and then trim away parts of it.  You should cut your card stock as close to the size you want to end up with.  The idea is to leave part of the image "cut out" of the card stock.

The third technique is watercoloring.  Pulled out my watercolor wonder crayons and blender pen, and colored away.  Not sure if there is a bird this color in real life, but I think it's pretty!  The eggs were colored with markers direct to the stamp and then cut out. 

I couldn't resist the fly on here, since the cocktails are fruity and flies also come around with the sweet things!!

If you have a chance to play this week, check out the UDI Blog and see what you come up with.

Happy Stamping!!!



Sandi said...

Wow Ann, you do such a fabulous job watercoloring! Your bird looks so real. I have to tell you, it took me about 10 minutes before I figured out what you were saying re "out-of-the-box" technique -- but then the light bulb went off (another dah moment for me). I love doing this technique for scrapbooking but haven't used it in a long time for cards -- perfect for this card. And your explanation on how to double-emboss is the 1st one I have read that made sense to me immediately. Thank you, thank you for just putting it in plain English. I can't wait to do this now. One more thing, thank you so much for the awesome blog candy I got today. I'm using the tag for my hubby's b-day gift tomorrow as it matches my card!!! You are awesome Ann -- thank you so very much!!

Michele said...

this is really lovely Ann and i love the way the bird pops and the color yellow pops. excellent! xo

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely beautiful Ann! I love the bird. It looks so real and just pops the card. You do such a great job on everything you do and I can't wait to see you again. SCS Carol

Unknown said...

Great card Ann - love the double embossing! Just beautiful!
Happy New Year!